Thursday, March 5, 2015

WoW Guides : How to Obtain the New Super-Rare Mount

WoW has added many features to WoW Warlords of Draenor. The new mount “Voidtalon of the Dark Star" is rare, but the patch notes don’t mention anything about how to get it. Here, you are going to know how to get this super-rare mount. It is safer and faster for you to buy WoW items from our site!

This mount is obtained by clicking on purple portals called "Edge of Reality", which spawn in level 100 areas in Draenor for a short period of time, and take you to a mini-scenario. Here, you are able to get swtor credits with discount prices, for our top-strong team will help you get WoW gears easily!

And this is where their spawning locations are. Or at least these are the ones people have found so far. As you can see they're all around the "Apexis daily" areas, which means it's always crowded. So yeah you have to be lucky to be the first one finding the portal AND be able to click it in time, since they close after a few minutes even if no one clicked on them.

Also, you can't enter the portal if you already have the mount or if you're in a premade group. Once you're inside, you have to loot the eggs of a dead Voidtalon and get out. No riddles, difficult fights or level 100 elites. This is the best site for you to  buy swtor credits, and we will keep a great customer service online!

Good luck! We will keep updating more news and guides for World of Warcraft. So keep tuned if you are interested! What’s more, don’t forget to buy WoW BOE items here!



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