Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Buying WoW Mounts with Real MoneyCelestial Steed

Recently I've been talking quite a lot about the pros and cons of buying WoW mounts with in-game money. The recent revealing of the new Recruit-A-Friend mount leads us on to another discussion altogether: What wow mounts for sale can you get with real money Buy WoW Items ? You know, not in-game gold -- the actual dollars or pounds or euros that you can swap for food, electricity, wow buy mounts that sort of thing.

This might be a really excellent column to leave lying around on the computer of a loved one who is trying to work out what to buy you for a birthday or similar occasion!

The one and only sparkle pony is available from the US Blizzard Pet Store for $25 and the EU Blizzard Pet Store for €20 or £17. Once you buy wow mounts online, all your existing characters as well as any new characters will receive an in-game mail including the mount for you to learn at the appropriate level. The Celestial Steed can fly at any flying speed.

This mount was the next in line, and just like its sparkly predecessor, it's available from the US Blizzard Pet Store for $25 world of warcraft mounts for sale and the EU Blizzard Pet Store for €20 or £17. Once you buy this mount WoW Gears, all your existing and all your new characters will receive an in-game mail including the cheap wow mounts for you to learn at the appropriate level. This mount WoW BOE Item can fly at any flying speed and kind of looks like a dreadlocked lion. With wings. Like ... Woah.



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