Friday, March 13, 2015

WoW 6.1 Hotfixes for March 12

WoW items Patch 6.1. Hotfixes are updates made without requiring a new client-side patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go into effect wow gold for sale. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update.

Blizzard claimed that this updates just to help clarify, on top of what Rygarius said: These changes were made because the items were under budget and not giving the appropriate amount of stats for their item level. There was a bug, so fixed it.

This was not a change made to make healers more interested in Spirit trinkets. Blizzard recognized that Spirit isn't the most appealing stat for healers at the moment, and are discussing how we want to handle that, but that’s a separate issue than the one that prompted the changes to these trinkets.

Cascade will now properly use the casting Priest's Multistrike chance for bounces beyond the first one.

.Operator Thogar:
Iron Bellow ability should no longer be redirected by a Grounding Totem.
Icecrown Citadel:players should now correctly only be saved to the raid when all three Blood Princes have been defeated during the Blood Princes Council encounter.
Auto-Repairing Autoclave now has 33% more Spirit.
Elementalist's Shielding Talisman now has 33% more Spirit.
.Bug fixes:
Players should now correctly receive credit towards the Call to Arms Achievement after completing a max level Battleground match.

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