Wednesday, April 22, 2015

World of Warcraft: Patch 6.1.2 Hotfixes for April 20

Blizzard has released the new hofixes for Patch 6.1.2 of April 20th. We would provide you the list. If you need to know more details, can head over the official site. But if you want to buy wow mounts get some world of warcraft items, we will refer our website to you. Welcome to check with us anytime.

Here we will provide a summary of all hotfixes that have wow mounts for sale applied since the wow buy mounts start of Patch 6.1.2:

April 20th:
 .Creatures and NPCs
  .Spires of Arak
   .Solar Magnifier should now allow players to loot it and no longer immediately despawn after being defeated.
 .Raids and Dungeons
   .Siege of Orgrimmar
.Galakras: Fixed an issue where players could not advance to Phase 2 because Anti-Air turrets were not cheap wow mounts spawning correctly.

April 13th:
.Raids and Dungeons
.Blackrock Foundry
 .The Blast Furnace

April 10th:
 . Raids and Dungeons
 .Bug Fixes

Here are just the world of warcraft mounts for sale summary for all the hotfixes. If you want to know more details about these. Can check on the official webiste. By the way, wow items and wow gears are available here. Come here you can find what you need!


Friday, April 17, 2015

WoW Patch 6.2, New Feature “Timewalking” Will Come to Old Dungeons

After wow gold fast patch 6.2 PTR goes live, some upcoming features and changes have caused the players’s attention. Blizzard clarifies one speical feature which will come back to old school Dungeons. Good news is that with Patch 6.2, Blizzard will allow you to queue up for a randomly selected old dungeon that your character's power and buying gold in wow gear will be scaled down to match. If you are looking for somewhere to buy WoW items, then you have come to the best site!
Timewalking has been mentioned in forums and post. It will be part of an event that will run over the weekend every week. The event will feature two randomly selected old school dungeons with a new “heroic” difficulty. According to Blizzard, “When you Timewalk these dungeons, you’ll find that your character’s power and top wow gold sites gear has been scaled down to a fraction of what they normally are. For the first time in years, some dungeons you outgrew long ago will once more put your skills to the test.”
However the good news is that the WoW items that drop during the Timewalking event will be scaled to the level of your character, so despite walking in with scaled down cheap wow gold instant delivery gear, you could walk out with brand new upgrades. At the moment the dungeons that will be part of Timewalking include The Arcatraz, Black Morass, Mana-Tombs, The Shattered Halls, The Slave Pens, Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom, Gundrak, Halls of Lightning, The Nexus, and cheapest wow gold site Utgarde Pinnacle. Hope you can prepare well for every new feature that buying wow gold safe Patch 6.2 will introduce. And you can get wow power leveling easily and safely from this site!
Patch 6.2 is currently undergoing testing on the Public Test Realm and will add a host of new features to the buy wow gold instant delivery game, such as Mythic difficulty for dungeons, new mounts, and ship building, just to name a few.
How do you think of Timewalking? Are you ready for it? We hope you will take advantage of it. By the way, please keep close for more updates and feel free to buy WoW gears! We exclusively offer you wow cheap mounts online. Don't miss any of them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

World of Warcraft: 6.1.2 Hotfixes for April 10 has released the Patch 6.1.2 hotfixes of world of warcraft for April 10th. Here we will provide the list of the hotfixes. If you want to know more details wow gold usa , can check on the official sote. But if you want to know some wow items for sale, our site will be your best wow gold sites choice.

Raids and Dungeons
Blackrock Foundry
   .Blackhand's Marked for Death ability should no longer have a preference to target players that are already stunned during Stage Two.

Conquest Catch-Up Cap Changes
  .Conquest catch-up cap received a change to how it's calculated that should result in a roughly 50% increase to the catch-up portion of the cap.
  .The formula used to calculate a player’s catch-up cap is now: <Number of weeks passed in the season> × 1500 - <Total amount of Conquest earned this season>
  .Further information on this change could be found in the forum thread titled: Changes to Conquest Catch-Up Cap.

Bug Fixes
 .Players can no longer delete WoW Token letters in the mailbox if it still has gold attached.
 .Fixed an issue where whispers were not gold buying wow working correctly from the Mobile Armory chat client.

Some of the hotfixes take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go wow gold sites into effect. By the way, buy wow gold instant delivery we also provide wow items and wow gears, don’t forget to check on our site if you need them.


Monday, April 13, 2015

How Does WoW Get Success

Wow was launched in 2004. It has 11 years history. Wow has accompanied some players during their entire adolescence. gold buying wow even becomes an significant part of some players’ life. They are addicted to the game and they often Buy WoW Items on the official website. Here comes the question. How does wow gold sale get success? Why don’t the players get tired of this game?  
There's more competition than ever, but the player base seems to be growing again as the new expansion approaches. In addition, players often buy wow mounts online. There are two key things can explain this phenomena. First, Blizzard continued to increase the breadth and accessibility of the game over the years. Blizzard has recognized their player base has changed over the years. The person who picked up the game in 2004 who was a student with tons of free time is now a career person with a family, and they're trying to fit in 60-90 minutes of game time after the kids go to bed at night. The game that they want is not the same game that they played 10 years ago.
At the same time there's a new generation coming in. So Blizzard had to increasingly expand the ways in which players can interact with the game. The game developers also need to think about how to make players like where to buy wow gold and constantly buy WoW Gears. Blizzard still offer content that is still very much aimed at the hardcore organized player who wants to sit down with guild mates and spend four hours a night banging their heads against an encounter. But then Blizzard also give players a way to see some of the same content at a lower difficulty level like through something like their raid finder system for raids where players can jump right in.
The other thing about this thing called World of Warcraft is that it is also a testament to players. Testament to the bonds they have formed. One of the cool things with BlizzCon coming up is that it's always great to have this opportunity to meet so many of fans in person, but also to see people meeting each other face to face for the first time. There are guild mates who have played together and know each other's voices and now they're putting faces to names. Players see that repeated over and over again throughout the convention halls. Besides that, players see spouses who met playing the game and are now married. In many ways it's greater than the sum of its parts because of that extra ingredient which is the awesome players that bring that to the table.
Once upon a time people wondered if or when they would see "World of Warcraft 2". However, after 10 years, Blizzard don’t release “World of Warcraft 2”. Blizzard believes in constant change rather than releasing some new, separate game. The game clearly not the same game it was 10 years ago.The engine is different, wow gold is different, all the graphical assets are different, a lot of core combat mechanics have changed. It's hard to pinpoint one turning point when it changed, but Blizzard definitely have taken an incremental approach to the pressing problems the buy wow gold online game has that the game developers feel they need to solve and what it can add to it that will make it better and deliver the most value to their players. That's what they do each step of the way.
You can know other information of wow gold seller on our website, which is the best place to buy WoW BOE Item. Please pay attention to our site and we promise to offer you the best service.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Release of WoW Tokens

In the past month, Blizzard constantly update the news of WoW Tokens, which is the new way to achieve challenge conqueror gold and game time for WoW. Finallly, the WoW Tokens is released today. Many players are so excited and they want to buy new WoW gears.
WoW Tokens are available to purchase from 10am PDT today in North America, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand. They cost $20 each from the in-game shop, or alternatively you can purchase them in the auction house in exchange for 30,000 challenge mode gold. That gold price is set to vary in the future depending on supply and demand.
So what can you do with a WoW Token and why would you want one? There are two main reasons to want a WoW Token. Purchasing one for $20 allows you to head on over to the auction house and exchange it for 30,000 gold or for 30 days of game time. Alternatively, if you have plenty challenge conqueror gold already you can use 30,000 of it to buy a WoW Token and then convert it to 30-days of game time. So, depending on your gold reserves, WoW Token purchases can in fact replace the need to pay for a World of Warcraft subscription, you can also use them to reactivate an existing dormant account.
Initially Blizzard has decided to limit WoW Token purchases to 10 per 30 days. It seems unlikely someone would want to spend more than $200 or 300,000 gold a month purchasing them, but stranger things have happened.
If you want to know more information of WoW Tokens you can search our website. Our site supply many new and high quality WoW Items. You’ll get what gears you want from our site.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Effective Information of WoW Server

To play WoW, your computer has to communicate with one of these sets of servers. This article mainly tells you the server of WoW. Players could Buy WoW Items by the server.
Many players think of "World of Warcraft" servers in terms of world servers, or realms. These are essentially complete, self-contained copies of the buying wow mounts game world named after people and places in Warcraft lore. There are about 200 realms in North America and other realms in different parts of the world.
The realms come in three primary types: the first is Normal, or player versus environment (PvE); the second is player versus player (PvP); the third is role playing (RP) -- there are also role-playing PvP servers.
You can make characters on lots of different servers, but characters can't communicate across servers unless they're in the same player versus player (PvP) battleground. A world server isn't a single server, though -- it's a collection of servers. As of 2006, Blizzard had about 9,000 servers around the world [source: Vivendi].
When you log on to your "World of Warcraft" account, you do so using an authentication server. This server verifies your name and password before transferring you to the realm on which you last played. Exactly which portion of the server you access depends on where you logged out of the game. All the players want to buy cheap wow items. Blizzard hasn't disclosed the exact architecture of its world servers, but based on the game's behavior, several server divisions are clear.
Each of the world's three continents -- Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms and Outland -- has its own servers. There's also a separate server for instances, or the game's dungeons. When a group enters an instance, the game spawns a copy of that dungeon for the group. Other groups and players can't enter it. A database server, or a database function running within the servers, provides information on the locations and respawn time all of the items players can loot (pick up) or otherwise interact with in the game world, including: Non-player characters (NPCs); Mobs; Chests; Herbs and mining nodes; ships and zeppelins; quest items.
These WoW Items persist across all the servers that make up the realm. Some chat channels, like group and guild chat, are also accessible no matter where you are in the game world. Others, like general cannels for specific regions within the game, are accessible only when you're in that particular zone.
Everything about your particular character, including the quests you've completed, your level and all your WoW Gears, is stored in a database that's tied to your "World of Warcraft" account. You can log in from any computer that is running the game and find your character exactly the way you left it. This database can also interface with a Web server, allowing you to do things like look at other players' gear and your own at the "World of Warcraft" armory. You can also pay a small fee and have your character moved from one server to another -- Blizzard adjusts its database accordingly.
You can get more detailed information of WoW server from our website. If you want to buy WoW BOE Item , you can buy cheap wow mounts from our website. We’re looking forward to making the feature available in the near future.


Friday, April 3, 2015

April Fool’s Prank of WoW

Hey, guys, what about your April Fool’s day? Are you fooled yesterday? Many wow mounts for sale players may say yes. Yesterday Blizzard released a prank on buy wow mounts. Many players were fooled by Blizzard. Whether players want to buy WoW Items or not?
The developers announced a revision to their Patch 6.1.4 to include another feature they plan to launch with the update: T.I.N.D.R. Box. It’s a “dating gadget” that allows all races find love. All your character has to do is upload a photo from their S.E.L.F.I.E. camera and start swiping away.
“Acquiring a T.I.N.D.R. Box is easy! Similar to the S.E.L.F.I.E. camera, you’ll be given a random mission in your Garrison that will award a T.I.N.D.R. Box. It can then be applied to any level 100 Follower just like any other upgrade, and that Follower—armed with their new dating gadget—will spend countless hours swiping left and right as they meander through your Garrison, overriding whatever task you’ve assigned them to,” according to Blizzard's blog post.
Of course this “T.I.N.D.R. Box” comes with a mission. You’ll need a follower to connect with you via T.I.N.D.R. Box and wait to get a match. If the follower meets up with you, then you’ve got a match. If they decide to go with another Night Elf instead, then you’ve failed your mission. Players have to buy Challenge mode Gold.
“When the T.I.N.D.R. box goes live, Pleasure-Bot 8000 will resign from his duties as your Garrison’s sewing machine to play host to your Followers’ relationship excursions,” according to Blizzard. “Once you have at least one Follower equipped with a T.I.N.D.R. Box, you’ll receive alerts while out adventuring whenever one of your Followers has found a match. Return to your Garrison and speak to Pleasure-Bot 8000 to begin their date. Be sure to act quickly—dropping out of a world of warcraft mounts for sale Mythic Raid mid-encounter, if necessary—before either prospective match gets distracted and moves on.”
So is anyone really all that surprised that Blizzard is going from S.E.L.F.I.E. to T.I.N.D.R.? Personally I think, many wow buy mounts players wouldn’t take offense at this prank. So please continue pay close attention to the wow website, which will released new WoW BOE Item.
