Friday, April 3, 2015

April Fool’s Prank of WoW

Hey, guys, what about your April Fool’s day? Are you fooled yesterday? Many wow mounts for sale players may say yes. Yesterday Blizzard released a prank on buy wow mounts. Many players were fooled by Blizzard. Whether players want to buy WoW Items or not?
The developers announced a revision to their Patch 6.1.4 to include another feature they plan to launch with the update: T.I.N.D.R. Box. It’s a “dating gadget” that allows all races find love. All your character has to do is upload a photo from their S.E.L.F.I.E. camera and start swiping away.
“Acquiring a T.I.N.D.R. Box is easy! Similar to the S.E.L.F.I.E. camera, you’ll be given a random mission in your Garrison that will award a T.I.N.D.R. Box. It can then be applied to any level 100 Follower just like any other upgrade, and that Follower—armed with their new dating gadget—will spend countless hours swiping left and right as they meander through your Garrison, overriding whatever task you’ve assigned them to,” according to Blizzard's blog post.
Of course this “T.I.N.D.R. Box” comes with a mission. You’ll need a follower to connect with you via T.I.N.D.R. Box and wait to get a match. If the follower meets up with you, then you’ve got a match. If they decide to go with another Night Elf instead, then you’ve failed your mission. Players have to buy Challenge mode Gold.
“When the T.I.N.D.R. box goes live, Pleasure-Bot 8000 will resign from his duties as your Garrison’s sewing machine to play host to your Followers’ relationship excursions,” according to Blizzard. “Once you have at least one Follower equipped with a T.I.N.D.R. Box, you’ll receive alerts while out adventuring whenever one of your Followers has found a match. Return to your Garrison and speak to Pleasure-Bot 8000 to begin their date. Be sure to act quickly—dropping out of a world of warcraft mounts for sale Mythic Raid mid-encounter, if necessary—before either prospective match gets distracted and moves on.”
So is anyone really all that surprised that Blizzard is going from S.E.L.F.I.E. to T.I.N.D.R.? Personally I think, many wow buy mounts players wouldn’t take offense at this prank. So please continue pay close attention to the wow website, which will released new WoW BOE Item.


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