Friday, April 17, 2015

WoW Patch 6.2, New Feature “Timewalking” Will Come to Old Dungeons

After wow gold fast patch 6.2 PTR goes live, some upcoming features and changes have caused the players’s attention. Blizzard clarifies one speical feature which will come back to old school Dungeons. Good news is that with Patch 6.2, Blizzard will allow you to queue up for a randomly selected old dungeon that your character's power and buying gold in wow gear will be scaled down to match. If you are looking for somewhere to buy WoW items, then you have come to the best site!
Timewalking has been mentioned in forums and post. It will be part of an event that will run over the weekend every week. The event will feature two randomly selected old school dungeons with a new “heroic” difficulty. According to Blizzard, “When you Timewalk these dungeons, you’ll find that your character’s power and top wow gold sites gear has been scaled down to a fraction of what they normally are. For the first time in years, some dungeons you outgrew long ago will once more put your skills to the test.”
However the good news is that the WoW items that drop during the Timewalking event will be scaled to the level of your character, so despite walking in with scaled down cheap wow gold instant delivery gear, you could walk out with brand new upgrades. At the moment the dungeons that will be part of Timewalking include The Arcatraz, Black Morass, Mana-Tombs, The Shattered Halls, The Slave Pens, Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom, Gundrak, Halls of Lightning, The Nexus, and cheapest wow gold site Utgarde Pinnacle. Hope you can prepare well for every new feature that buying wow gold safe Patch 6.2 will introduce. And you can get wow power leveling easily and safely from this site!
Patch 6.2 is currently undergoing testing on the Public Test Realm and will add a host of new features to the buy wow gold instant delivery game, such as Mythic difficulty for dungeons, new mounts, and ship building, just to name a few.
How do you think of Timewalking? Are you ready for it? We hope you will take advantage of it. By the way, please keep close for more updates and feel free to buy WoW gears! We exclusively offer you wow cheap mounts online. Don't miss any of them!

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