Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blizzard Offering WoW Subscribers 5 Days of Free Game Time

We have mentioned that Warlords of Draenor was suffering from a DDOS attack which caused some lag and login problems. Executive Producer J. Allen Brack has posted a message on the official forums apologizing for the Warlords of Draenor launch issues. He posted that Blizzard will offer all the subscribers 5 days of World of Warcraft free time to compensate players. Brack said Blizzard has addressed the problems by expanding its instancing tech to all realms, which “will result in approximately double the prelaunch capacity on each realm”. If you want to buy WoW items, check out our site!

In recognition of the difficulties so many of you ran into when trying to play over the first few days, we're adding five days' worth of extra time to every subscription in the Americas, Oceania, and Europe that was active as of Friday, November 14. Things are already in a much better place than they were going into the weekend, so I hope you'll now be able to focus on having a ton of fun with this expansion.

Here not only can you get the latest information about World of Warcraft, but also you can purchase WoW BOE items to help your character become stronger! To find challenge mode power leveling, head over our site!



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