Tuesday, November 11, 2014

6.0.3 Hotfixes Updated: November 5th

Blizzard updates patch 6.0.3 hotfixes for Nov.5. Now let’s look at the major points about the updates. As for where to buy WoW mounts, our site is an optimal choice! Aside from WoW gear at discount prices, the professional services await you!

■Hunter's tenacity pets saw a couple of fixes.
◦Tenacity Pet Specialization: Blood of the Rhino now reduces the pet's physical damage taken by 15% instead of increasing armor by 20%.
◦Tenacity Pet Specialization: Great Stamina now increases the pet's health by 60% (up from 12%).
■Priests saw a 15% nerf to Holy Nova's healing, while Divine Star's healing or damage (based on spec) was buffed by 15%
■Fixed an issue where Zidormi may send players to an incorrect phase in the Blasted Lands.
■Once a Challenge Mode has started, characters can no longer change specializations, talents, or glyphs.

For detailed information, head over to the official site! Of course, not only can you get the updates, but also you will buy WoW items at the reasonable prices. Don’t miss the world of warcraft mounts for sale!


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