Tuesday, June 2, 2015

WoW: The New Tanaan Jungle Zone Feature Worth Expecting

The latest patch for buy world of warcraft mounts online has been available for testing for weeks, and it has brought many new features and changes. Among them, the new zone Tanaan Jungle is one of the most exciting and notable ones. However, do you know what exactly to expect the buying mounts wow patch? Here we would like to give you a general summary below to help you prepare for the exploration better! And if you have any needs for WoW gears with discount prices, our site would be a nice choice!
Requirement for passage. Players who want to explore the new zone need to prepare first, as Tanaan Jungle has a requirement - a ship. "World of Warcraft" now allows players to build a Shipyard for the Garrison. Once the shipyard is finished, players can then launch an assault on Tanaan to build a forward base in two locations, either at Lion's Watch for alliance players or Vol'mar for the Horde. The ships and the shipyard itself can be replenished by materials rewarded for missions once the Tanaan Jungle is unlocked.
New areas. The jungle itself is a crossroads of seven new areas that players need to explore, and each area should be assaulted in order to continue with the story of chapter-based quests, this time to foil the plot of Gul'dan and his allies to let turmoil grow and plunge Draenor into chaos. The seven new areas include: The Iron Front to the west; Ruins of Kra'nak; Zeth'gol, where the capital of Bleeding Hollow is located; Felforge; Temple of Sha'naar; Ironhold Harbor; and finally, the Throne of Kil'jaeden. Buying challenge mode carry here is safer and faster.
New area, new raid .The heart of Tanaan Jungle is where Hellfire Citadel lies, which is part of a new raid for "wow mounts to buy" players. Gamers can assault the place and encounter many enemies, including familiar ones such as Kilrogg Deadeye, a Mannoroth that seems to be back from the dead, and Archimonde himself.
No flying. As part of a new zone, players will still not be able to traverse the Tanaan Jungle through the air, even for high-level gamers with air-based wow cheap mounts. Blizzard has been known to think it over before deciding to scrap flying into new zones altogether, as the developer says it makes the in-game world "significantly smaller." We invite you to purchase challenge conqueror gold with reasonable prices and reliable delivery!
Overall, hope this article can help you have a better understanding of the new feature Tanaan Jungle in latest patch of world of warcraft mounts for sale , and make a good preparation for it! At the same same, you can rest assured to buy WoW items to assist you complete more missions easier and quickly!

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