Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Patch 6.2 Update: Flying Achievements Added

After the announcement of Fury of Hellfire arriving date, Blizzard will introduce the new option in upcoming update to Patch 6.2. We know that this patch has added new areas and zones, swtor cheap credits and flying feature is the most heated talk among gamers and developers. Now, players will have a fly through the skies of Draenor. Of course, it will not be as easy as purchasing a mount or just adding a flying skill, but as an achievements added for players. If you want to complete more missions, you can buy WoW items to make your characters stronger. Read more details about flying achievements below!
In the past, gamers automatically unlock the flying skill once they hit the required level cap buying swtor credits and then pay for training. However, in the "Warlords of Draenor" expansion, the flight skill will not be so easily reached. Instead, a flying feature will be added as a player achievement. In order for players to enjoy this privilege, they will have to unlock a meta-achievement, the Draenor Pathfinder title. You can find challenge mode for sale at our website!
To achieve the achievement, players have to complete a set of requirements. First, their character must explore all regions of Draenor and find at least 100 treasures. In addition, the players must complete all of the quest achievements and buy Star Wars: The Old Republic credits bonus objectives in Draenor, and earn a Revered title with the Tanaan Jungle reputations — Order of the Awakened, The Saberstalkers, and Hand of the Prophet for Alliance characters or Vol'jin's Headhunters for Horde. Buying wow gold is much easier and safer!
After completing the requirements and earning the title, players will be given a flying mount called Soaring Skyterror. However, players would still need to wait for a follow-up micro update before the flying skill can be activated.
In order to get flying achievements, players can choose WoW gears with reasonable prices. What’s more, we will keep updating here as long as there is something new added. If you want to get the best place to buy swtor credits latest information about World of Warcraft, stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

WoW: New Feature Shipyard Preview in Patch 6.2

Patch 6.2 is an exciting one for World of Warcraft, as it can introduce new zone, new area, new raid and a special feature - shipyard and naval missions you can build your own ships. You can build once your character has upgraded a garrison to level 3. With a shipyard added, you can have ships constructed that can then be sent on naval missions, which Blizzard says it will be talking about more as development continues. Today, we are going to give you the preview of Shipyard in World of Warcraft patch 6.2. More information about World of Warcraft guides and WoW gears with discount prices can be found at our website!
The Shipyard is a new building available to all Garrison commanders who have reached level 100 and improved their Garrison to level 3— challenge mode wow and after you travel to the Iron Docks and discover just how dire the naval situation is, you’ll want to make your Shipyard a top priority. As soon as you return to your Garrison, you’ll be able to raise a level 1 Shipyard and begin construction on your first ocean vessel immediately.
Your Fledgling Fleet . In war, you need soldiers to fight on the front lines—with that in mind, your first ship will be the mighty Troop Transport, a vessel designed to help you tackle a variety of seafaring threats. This stalwart ship will help you initiate combat, and will serve as the backbone of your fleet as you’re getting your feet wet. If you are looking for someplace to buy challenge mode wow, then you have come to the perfect site!
Ships are managed much like Garrison Followers. You’ll send your ships on naval missions, and each naval mission will present a new set of challenges for you to counter with your ships’ abilities. Some of the new abilities include Salty Crew (improves success chance by 10%), Unsinkable (shields the ship from a fatal shot), and Trained Shark Tank—because navigating through mine-studded waters is no problem when you have trained sharks on your side.
And guns. The sharks have guns.
Setting a Course. Just as your Followers need Garrison Resources to operate, your ships will require Oil. Collect enough Oil to send your ships on many naval missions, and you’ll unlock the level 2 and level 3 Shipyard, allowing you to maintain more ships and take on more naval missions.
There’s oil on Draenor! And as fate would have it, it’s mainly to be found in Tanaan, where the enemy has been collecting the precious substance for a while now. They’ll have to be relieved of it in some way or another . . . and that’s where you come in. Your ships need oil. Your entire war effort now depends on it. Your ships also come with equipment, and how you use it will play a key role in your success on the high seas. For example, a ship with a Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer can deal with Chaotic Whirlpools by staying upright and stable. A ship with a Food Storage Bay has additional space for stashing extra supplies, and is therefore better at taking on longer naval missions.
Your ships can be manned by a specific crew, challenge conqueror gold and the composition of the crew helps determine your results and rewards. For example, a goblin crew increases the gold gained from the mission; a night elf crew reduces mission time; and a human crew increases your success chance. The high seas are filled with threats, challenge mode carry and they won’t be easy to deal with. Take too much of a risk on a naval mission, and you could lose your vessels and all of the time and resources they represent. You’ll want to pay close attention to which ships counter which threats.
Want to prepare well for the next patch? If so, keep close here for more updates about new features and new WoW items. What’s more, we are still offering you challenge mode gold, reasonable prices, reliable delivery and great customer service! Enjoy the game now!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hellfire Citadel Brings Back The Features of Veteran Villains

Welcome to raiditem.com, which is a good site for WoW Items. In addition, you could buy swtor credits safe on our website. Hey, guys, do you remember the news I released yesterday? Blizzard Revealed World Of Warcraft Hellfire Citadel's Bosses. WoW fans will have their hands full battling through the Iron Forge fortress that is Hellfire Citadel.

For players, it means a new challenge and swtor credits a new area to raid which enables them to earn swtor buying credits items ranging in power from level 675-685 in Raid Finder and up to level 735 in Mythic difficulty.  There's also a chance for players to add a new Rare quality companion, the Corrupted Nest Guardian, to their pet collection.

All gamers will start the raid at the Iron Bulwark, where waves of Iron Horde forces are waiting to begin their Hellfire Assault.  Similar to the Spoils of Pandaria in cheapest swtor credits Siege of Orgrimmar, this is a raid "boss" that players must withstand in order to breach the gates of the Citadel.Once in, players will have several challenges and Hellfire Citadel bosses to defeat such as the Iron Reaver, Kormrok, Gorefiend and swtor cheap credits many others.

There's also a Hellfire High Council that needs defeating which features mighty warrior Gurtogg who previously fought in the Burning Crusade, Dia Darkwhisper who is a mage cast out of the Shadowmoon clan and buying swtor credits several champions of the various orc clans in the Iron Horde.

Some of the WoW villains are also making a comeback such as Mannoroth whose blood, after being cut down by Grommash, was used by Gul'dan to corrupt the orcs and best place to buy swtor credits their allies. Players will challenge Mannoroth while the character is in the process of being reanimated by Gul'dan's minions.

The other villain and final boss is Archimonde the Defiler, who commands the military might of the Burning Legion.  Hellfire Citadel raid designers have revealed that this villain has learned a "number of nasty new tricks" since Mount Hyjal. Although you have the greatest heroes of Azeroth and Draenor standing beside you in this buy Star Wars: The Old Republic credits battle, even they cannot aid you within the Twisting Nether itself.

Hellfire Citadel raid will give you many more surprise in the future. Raiditem will update the news of Hellfire Citadel raid at the first time. By the way, you can Buy WoW Items that can meet your requirements at bottom price on our website. So please pay close attention to our website.


Friday, June 5, 2015

World of Warcraft: Patch 6.2 PTR Notes on June 2

Blizzard entertainment has released the PTR notes for patch 6.2. The major updates will include: Zone unlocked: The invasion of Tanaan Jungle; new Garrison feature: Shipyard and Naval Missions and some other information. We are here to provide the details with you. And if you want to get wow items or wow gears, feel free to check and buy via our website.

Zone Unlocked: The Invasion of Tanaan Jungle
 .Heroes of the Horde and the Alliance, return to Tanaan Jungle and stop Gul’dan's plan to drag the whole of Draenor into chaos while plotting to reopen the portal for a massive invasion of Azeroth. Embark on a new series of chapter-based quests putting everything you’ve learned on Draenor to the test.
 .One does not merely stroll into Tanaan Jungle. You'll progress through a series of quests in which you'll be asked to build a Shipyard, begin an assault on Tanaan by sea, best place to buy GW2 gold and culminating in the creation of a new forward base of operations. From this new outpost, you'll go on the offense and launch assaults to undermine Gul'dan's plan to drag all of Draenor into chaos.
 .Tanaan Jungle has Open-world questing with rare creatures and hidden treasures scattered throughout the zone.

New Garrison Feature: Shipyard buying Guild Wars 2 gold and Naval Missions
  .Characters with a level 3 garrison can now construct a Shipyard to take the fight to the seas. Report to your Garrison and accept the “War Council” quest.
  .Build ships in your Shipyard and dispatch them on new Naval Missions.
  .More information will be added as development continues.
 Naval Missions
  .Naval Missions are still early in development. More information will be added as it becomes available.

New Raid: Hellfire Citadel
 .Assault the Hellfire Citadel, mighty fortress of the Iron Horde, Guild Wars 2 gold buying torn asunder by fel energies unleashed by Gul’dan, and put a stop on his plans to launch a new invasion on Azeroth!
 .Hellfire Citadel stands at the heart of Tanaan Jungle, where 13 deadly bosses await you, including Kilrogg Deadeye, the monstrous Gorefiend, a reanimated Mannoroth,Guild Wars 2 gold sale and Archimonde himself.
 .Keep an eye out for more information on testing dates and times!

If you want to know about all the details about this patch notes can check the original post on Battle.net. By the way, we also want to refer our site for Guild Wars 2 gold buying and here you will find cheapest Guild Wars 2 gold, welcome to check and get some now!


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

WoW: The New Tanaan Jungle Zone Feature Worth Expecting

The latest patch for buy world of warcraft mounts online has been available for testing for weeks, and it has brought many new features and changes. Among them, the new zone Tanaan Jungle is one of the most exciting and notable ones. However, do you know what exactly to expect the buying mounts wow patch? Here we would like to give you a general summary below to help you prepare for the exploration better! And if you have any needs for WoW gears with discount prices, our site would be a nice choice!
Requirement for passage. Players who want to explore the new zone need to prepare first, as Tanaan Jungle has a requirement - a ship. "World of Warcraft" now allows players to build a Shipyard for the Garrison. Once the shipyard is finished, players can then launch an assault on Tanaan to build a forward base in two locations, either at Lion's Watch for alliance players or Vol'mar for the Horde. The ships and the shipyard itself can be replenished by materials rewarded for missions once the Tanaan Jungle is unlocked.
New areas. The jungle itself is a crossroads of seven new areas that players need to explore, and each area should be assaulted in order to continue with the story of chapter-based quests, this time to foil the plot of Gul'dan and his allies to let turmoil grow and plunge Draenor into chaos. The seven new areas include: The Iron Front to the west; Ruins of Kra'nak; Zeth'gol, where the capital of Bleeding Hollow is located; Felforge; Temple of Sha'naar; Ironhold Harbor; and finally, the Throne of Kil'jaeden. Buying challenge mode carry here is safer and faster.
New area, new raid .The heart of Tanaan Jungle is where Hellfire Citadel lies, which is part of a new raid for "wow mounts to buy" players. Gamers can assault the place and encounter many enemies, including familiar ones such as Kilrogg Deadeye, a Mannoroth that seems to be back from the dead, and Archimonde himself.
No flying. As part of a new zone, players will still not be able to traverse the Tanaan Jungle through the air, even for high-level gamers with air-based wow cheap mounts. Blizzard has been known to think it over before deciding to scrap flying into new zones altogether, as the developer says it makes the in-game world "significantly smaller." We invite you to purchase challenge conqueror gold with reasonable prices and reliable delivery!
Overall, hope this article can help you have a better understanding of the new feature Tanaan Jungle in latest patch of world of warcraft mounts for sale , and make a good preparation for it! At the same same, you can rest assured to buy WoW items to assist you complete more missions easier and quickly!