Sunday, January 18, 2015

World of Warcraft May Have a Free-to-play Veteran Edition?

It is reported a free-to-play Veretan Edition will be added to World of Warcraft as the patch 6.1 released. Patch 6.1, the latest iteration of the game, includes a new account type called "Veteran Edition" that has similar restrictions to "Starter Edition" accounts. According to the 6.1 patch notes, the Veteran Edition would also have level and money caps -- although it doesn't specify what those caps are. This is definitely the best site for you to buy ArcheAge gold, for our top-strong team help you get any WoW items in a easier and convenient way! Don’t miss them!

As for how the veteran account status would be implemented, that's still unclear. It could allow subscribers to let their subscriptions lapse without stopping them from playing the game, or allow returning subscribers to try out the game again without having to fully commit. If the level cap, like the Starter Edition, is 20, we can see how that might be a bit more of a gateway -- it would be frustrating not to be able to play characters previously created and leveled past that point. Why not buy ArcheAge gold at discount prices at this site? You will get the fast and safe delivery!

Of course, it may never happen. Let’s just wait and see! Anyway, we will update here as soon as there is something new! And you can also choose to buy WoW items at this reliable and professional site!



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