Tuesday, December 16, 2014

World of Warcraft: No Longer Required Level 55 Cap to Create Death Knight

On November, Blizzard released the latest Warlords of Draenor expansion for World of Warcraft. This is the fifth expansion. In WoW’ second expansion Wrath of the Lich King, the Death Knight hero class was introduced. Since then, Blizzard had it set so you could only create a Death Knight if you had a previous character at level 55 or higher. Blizzard announced that the rule will be changed in this week sometime and no longer will you be required to have a level 55 or higher character to create a Death Knight. Buy WoW items from at the best site! You will not only save large amounts of money, but also get the fast WoW power leveling service offered by our professional team!

With the ability to purchase instant level 90’s, and Blizzard making the leveling experience a lot faster in patch 6.0, a cap of 55 was outdated and no longer needed. This is also great for new players who have just started to play and want to play the Death Knight class for their first character. More choice and less restrictions are always a good thing. Blizzard also released a hotfix a few days ago. The hotfix includes some big profession changes, class balancing, garrison changes and some small quest fixes. For the detailed hotfixes, you can check out the news part or head over to the official site!
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