Monday, September 15, 2014

Warlords of Dreanor : Character and Class Change in 6.0.2 PTR Patch

Blizzard released 6.0.2 PTR Patch Notes on September 12th. And here we offer you the summary of the character and class changes, and you can also find a wide range of
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•Character stats have been squished into smaller numbers that are easier to understand. It's important to understand that this is not a nerf as enemies' stats have been squished as well.

•Balanced functionality of Agility, Strength and Intellect.

•New secondary stats: Bonus Armor, Multistrike, and Versatility.

•Hit and Expertise have been removed; they're no longer needed in order to reliably land attacks!

•The pacing of healing has been adjusted to allow for more tactical decision-making regarding efficiency and throughput, on both single-target and multi-target heals. Passive and auto-targeted healing have been reduced in effectiveness in order to emphasize the actions and choices of healers.

•Racial traits have been rebalanced so that all races have similar combat performance.

•All classes have had several abilities pruned, with a focus on redundant and less-used abilities to cut down on button and keybind bloat.

•Amount of crowd-control in the game (primarily PvP) has been drastically reduced. Many crowd-control abilities have been removed, and many diminishing returns categories have been merged together.

•Several common buffs and debuffs have been merged, or removed, where they were redundant.

•All characters now learn some important Major Glyphs automatically as they level up.

•Toned down the amount of instant healing in the game by giving cast times to several instant cast heals.

•For Tanks, Vengeance has been redesigned and renamed Resolve.

•Resolve does not increase outgoing damage, but does now increases tank self-healing and absorption based on damage taken.

•Facing requirements (character positioning) on some prominent abilities have been loosened or removed.

•Reduced Mana cost of Resurrection spells to make it a little easier to recover from a wipe.

•Professions no longer have combat benefit perks tied to them.

•A multitude of class-specific changes, things like improved distinction between different Talent specializations, and new Masteries.

Surely you can consult the official site for more detailed information! Here, you can also easily
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