In an effort to introduce gamers to the highly anticipated
World of Worldcraft: Legion, Blizzard has released an animated series called "Harbingers" which introduces the narrative of the new expansion in a multi-series video as a part of the promotional events announced later by the company. The newly released harbinger involves the narratives of the Burning Legion, Illidan Stormrage, Demon Hunters, Gul'dan and the Broken Isles. No WOW player should miss these videos as they give you a glimpse into the characters and settings around which the game will take place.
The harbingers, which is slated to be a multi-part video spanning numerous series will follow the Illidan Stormrage and prologues the events of War of Worldcraft: Legion. This video series with the long anticipated pre-patch as well as several other events including a Burning
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Weeks following the pre-expansion patch, Blizzard will be unlocking new content until the eventual release of Legion on August 30. While most of the events are currently unfolding, the harbingers being one of the significant ones, and if you have already bought the pre-purchase copy you can expect the Demon Hunter sometime in the middle of August and although before the 17th of August for the global market. More news about these events will be shared as they unravel themselves but for now here's a look at what's in store:
Burning Legion Invasions.Having successfully escaped and opened the Tomb of Sargeras, Gul’dan has unleashed his Burning Legion on the world - the craziest demonic invasion in the history of Azeroth. All this action will be taking place in the Broken Isles, a continent which one house a civilization of the Night Elfs but now has degraded to nothing more than a graveyard. To end the Legion's invasion you will have to travel to simultaneously fight the Gul'dan and his demons while looking for a pillar that can stop the demonic invasion.
The Legions will assault Azeroth thereby turning the stomping grounds into a demon infested battlefield where all hell will break loose. Only time and your skill will tell how the alliance will face the onslaught and deat with them.
Demon Hunter Access. Hopefully by the last week of July, everybody who have made a pre-purchase of Legion will get an to access the new Demon Hunter before anybody else. You will find yourself at level 98 at Mardum where you will be playing the Demon Hunter before you finally join your friends in the fight against the Legion.
While creating the character you can customise your Hunter with a variety of horns, veils, tattoos too make it look badass. You get to play with two specializations - DPS (Havoc) and Tanking (Vengeance); both can transform the Demon Hunter's innate power. Using the character will also help you will finally get to know what Illidan was up to at the Temple back in Burning Crusade.
In Mardum, you will not be face just demons but giants and war machines. Also, an interesting thing is that the Demond Hunter can use the Legion's devices and weapons to annihilate them. You can summon your own armies from the gates and also use stolen information to your advantage. There will also be special crystals that gives you special abilities. And last but not the least, while playing the Demon Hunter character you will get your own special mount: the Felsaber, which looks terrifying to say the least.
Battle on the Broken Shore Begins.With the Burning Legion's onslaught growing dire, the alliance with the hordes have no choice but to foray onto the Broken shore which is also the center of the Legion's invasion. All the features mentioned above, except for the demon hunter access will be made available to all WOW players even if they have not pre-purchased Legion. Also, it is believed that the pre-patch will be live on July 19th which is less than a week away. However, in case you want to pre-purchase Legion, which I highly suggest you should, standard digital as well as the physical versions are available for £34.99/$49.99, whereas the Deluxe Edition goes by £49.99/$69.99. And yes, you get more than your money's worth.
Also, special collector's edition that will include special Blu Ray/DVD, an art book, an epic
wow items Legion mouse mat, and a soundtrack. As announced earlier, with the announcement of the pre-expansion patch Legion has made two time-limited feats no longer obtainable. All challenges from Daegnor that you have enjoyed will be removed and the Brawler's Guild will be closed down too. So, essentially once Legion will be released on August 30 you won't be able to play World of Worldcraft: Draenor anymore, all your quest log data will be swiped clear and you won’t be able to obtain Crystallised Fel no longer so you may finish all the challenges you could before you run out of time.
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